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Top 30 Interview Questions for Selenium

Although there are several test automation tools on the market, Selenium has become one of the most popular testing tools. This article will help you ace a Selenium Interview like a pro by stressing some of the most important Selenium Interview Questions. As a result, Selenium-related jobs have become sought-after positions within the computer industry.

Several of the most significant Selenium Automation Testing Interview Questions that come up in interviews at various businesses are covered in this blog, which has been carefully curated as a useful resource. Although by no means exhaustive, this collection of Selenium interview questions and answers concentrates on some of the key topics you should be aware of as you get ready for your interview.

This article contains the top 30 Selenium Interview Questions and Answers and has been broken into four parts for your convenience.

Selenium Interview Questions: Basic Level

Intermediate-level interview questions for selenium

Experienced Selenium Interview Questions: Advanced Level

Questions for Selenium Webdriver Interviews


Selenium Interview Questions: Basic Level

1. What different Selenium Suite components are there?

The Selenium Automation software is a collection of tools, each of which has a distinct role for the organization's testing needs. The equipment is:

· Integrated Development Environment for Selenium (Selenium IDE)

It functions as a plug-in for Firefox that may be used to record and run test cases. It was made primarily to hasten the creation of automation scripts.

· Remote control for selenium (Selenium RC)

It was the first testing tool with a strong brand that allowed users to create test cases in the language of their choice. Both data-driven testing and cross-browser testing are supported.

· WebDriver Selenium

It was developed by Simon Stewart in 2006 to address Selenium RC's drawbacks. It offers a user interface for the design and execution of test cases, as well as the ability to recognise web page elements and take necessary action.

· Selenium Grid

It makes advantage of the Hub-Node architecture, which facilitates the concurrent execution of several test cases on various machines that are situated remotely. There is a single master system, known as the hub, which governs the other child systems, known as nodes.

2. The benefits of using selenium what benefits does it offer?

· It is free and open-source

· Supports several programming languages for test scripts

· Allows for the execution of test cases across various operating systems and browsers

· Enables parallel testing and enjoys widespread community support

· Allows for integration with TestNG and JUnit

· Facilitates Continuous Testing by integrating Maven, Jenkins, and Docker with Selenium

3. What distinguishes Selenium 2.0 from Selenium 3.0?

The Selenium Webdriver project and the original Selenium Project could be combined thanks to Selenium 2.0. Since then, Selenium RC has been criticised but is still utilised for backward compatibility.

The extended version of Selenium 2.0 is considered to be Selenium 3.0. It has various bug fixes, is backwards compatible, does not include Selenium RC, and is intrinsically stable.

4. Describe Selenese. What kinds are there?

Selenium commands, which serve as guidelines for running the test cases, are referred to as selenese. These Selenese commands can be thought of as a collection that is ordered in a test script.

Selenese comes in three varieties:

· Actions are used to perform operations on and communicate directly with the target elements.

· Accessors: Using this command enables you to store values in a variable.

· Assertions: These commands serve as checkpoints to record the orderly execution of other commands.

5. What does the Same-Origin Policy entail? What was the outcome?

Access to web elements from a domain other than the one where JavaScript was started was forbidden by the Same-Origin Policy. As long as both pages came from the same domain, a web browser permitted scripts from one webpage to access content from another.

The release of Selenium RC attempted to address the issue caused by the same-origin policy by incorporating an HTTP proxy server that may trick the browser into thinking that the web application and the test script originated from the same source.

6. What various test types does Selenium support?

The various test types that Selenium supports include:

· Testing Functionality

This type of testing is carried out to ascertain whether an application complies with the project's requirements. Black box testing is typically used, and the source of the code is not a concern.

· Regression Analysis

It entails choosing (completely or partially) test cases that have already been run in order to have them run again in order to assess the effectiveness of functionalities that are already in place.

7. What distinguishes the commands verify and assert?

· Verify

To determine whether an element is on a page, use this command. It serves as a tool for indicating whether or not a condition is true. The test will continue to run even if the element is missing. Even if one of the tests fails, the remaining commands will still be executed.

· Assert

This command is used to determine whether or not an element is present on the page. The test will end and not go any further if the asserted element is missing.

8. What distinguishes a single slash from a double slash in Selenium's XPath?

One slash (/)

• It facilitates selecting launch from document or start node

• In XPath Selenium, it enables the creation of Absolute expressions.

(//) Double Slash

• It makes it possible to begin the selection wherever in the document.

• In XPath Selenium, it enables the creation of Relative expressions.

9. Describe a locator. How can an element be found in selenium?

In Selenium, locators serve as a way to discover and match web page items that require user interaction. There are various types of locators available depending on the type of element that needs to be located.

· Name

· ID

· Complete Link

· Class

· XPath

· The Link Text

· Selector CSS

10. What are Selenium's technical restrictions?

· It is solely appropriate for testing online apps; it cannot be used to test desktop or mobile software applications.

· It is unable to gain access to web parts that are found to be outside of the web application that is being tested.

· Apart from customer communities, there is no guaranteed user support.

· Neither independent image testing nor data-driven testing are compatible with it.

· Writing tests necessitates prior programming language expertise.

· It is not possible to test Captcha and barcode readers using Selenium.

11. The Page Object Model (POM): What is it? What benefits does it offer?

POM is a design paradigm that facilitates the creation of object repositories for the web UI elements. Application web pages have matching page classes that make it easier to find web elements and perform operations on them.


· Since the object repository is independent of the test cases, it can be utilised in different tests.

· As it facilitates separating UI flows and activities from verification, it promotes code readability.

· It also makes the code more reusable.

· Intermediate-level interview questions for selenium

12. What kinds of annotations are there that are utilised in Selenium?

Annotations are a specific type of syntactic metadata that may be added to Java source code with ease. It enables the annotation of variables, classes, methods, and packages. These JUnit annotations include:

· Test

· Before

· After

· BeforeClass

· AfterClass

· Ignore

· RunWith

13. Can Captcha be automated?

Captcha cannot be automated with Selenium. This makes perfect sense given that the main point of Captcha is to stop automated software and bots from gaining access to private data. In order to continue running the test suite, the tester or test engineer must manually type the Captcha.

14. What benefits does Selenium have over QTP?

· While QTP is marketed and delivered as a licenced, profitable application, Selenium is offered as an open-source, free automation tool.

· QTP only supports VBScript, whereas Selenium supports a variety of programming languages.

· While QTP only supports Firefox, Internet Explorer, and Chrome and the Windows operating system, Selenium supports a wide range of browsers and operating systems.

· While QTP can be used to test client-server applications, Selenium is especially used for testing web-based applications.

15. What do Selenium's breakpoints and start points mean?

· Breakpoints

These are employed to halt the test case execution process. When Breakpoint is used, the execution immediately terminates. This aids in confirming that the code is operating correctly.

· Starting places

This refers to the starting point for the test suite's execution. This is used when the tester needs to run the test script after a breakpoint or in the middle of the code.

16. What distinguishes the procedures setSpeed() and sleep()?

Both of these techniques are employed to slow down execution.

· setSpeed()

This command is used to temporarily halt the execution of all Selenium commands. Following the setSpeed delay, each command is executed with the millisecond delay specified in setSpeed.

· Thread.sleep()

With this command, the current thread's execution is put on hold for a predetermined period of time. It can only be used once. It accepts a single integer-formatted argument.

17. What distinguishes getwindowhandles() and getwindowhandle() from one another?

· getwindowhandles()

It is used to obtain the addresses of all open browsers and returns SetString> as its return type.

· getwindowhandle()

Its return type is a string data type, and it is used to obtain the address of the current browser where the control is located.

18. What kinds of frameworks are there?

The various kinds of frameworks include:

· Framework for Data-Driven Testing

This framework helps us distinguish between the logic of the test script and the test data. XML, Excel, CSV, and other external databases are used to store the test data. The input values and verification values kept using the variables are what determine how the data is stored in "key-value" pairs.

· Framework for Keyword-Driven Testing

It's common to think of this framework as an expansion of the prior one. It not only enables the separation of test data and test scripts, but it also keeps a specific set of test script-specific codes in an external data file. The creation of the keywords and data tables is done separately from the automated test cases.

· Framework for Behavior Driven Testing

For the benefit of Business Analysts, Testers, and Developers, this framework enables the automation of functional validations in the test script. This ensures readability, dependability, and understanding.

· Framework for Module-Based Testing

With the aid of this framework, the Application Under Test (AUT) can be divided into discrete, logical units. For each module, independent test scripts are written, and when combined, they assist construct a larger test script that covers many modules.

· Framework for Library Architecture Testing

With the use of this framework, the programme can be divided into reusable components that perform similar tasks. This facilitates the development of a shared library that contains common functions for AUT.

· Framework for Hybrid Testing

It combines elements from several of the aforementioned systems. The benefit is that it aids in obtaining the advantages of all related frameworks.

Experienced Selenium Interview Questions: Advanced Level

19. How does Selenium start various browsers?

We must focus on creating a driver instance for a specific browser as this is necessary. The browser for the system's operating system can then be launched using the following syntax.

· New ChromeDriver driver = WebDriver driver ()

· New FirefoxDriver + WebDriver driver ()

· New InternetExplorerDriver is the WebDriver driver ()

In these situations, Chrome, Firefox, and all other browser driver implementations are created using WebDriver as the interface.

20. Why is Selenium's session handling necessary?

Communication between the browser and the programme that is executing the commands is facilitated by session handling. The necessity for session handling stems from the fact that WebDriver must constantly communicate with the browser to carry out commands during test execution. A problem could occur if someone starts running another test script in the same machine using the same type of browser while one test script is still being executed and before the current execution is finished. Session Handling in Selenium is necessary to prevent this from happening.

21. What are Selenium RC's benefits and drawbacks?

 Advantages:

• It offers data-driven testing, cross-browser testing, and user-preferred languages.

• Supports iterations, conditional operations, and new browsers

• The pace of execution is faster than Selenium IDE

• It is possible to manage dynamic objects and UI components based on Ajax.

• Data can be read or written to or from file types like.xlsx,.csv, and.txt.

 Disadvantages

• Compared to Selenium IDE, the installation process is challenging.

• Previous programming experience is required.

• Execution speed is inferior to Selenium WebDriver in terms of speed.

• API includes ambiguous commands

• Access to anything outside of the browser is likewise prohibited throughout the execution of the test scenario.

22. Which language is more frequently used to create Selenium test suites?

Despite the fact that Selenium supports developing test scripts in a variety of languages, Python is still preferred over Java.

· Python programmes execute more quickly than Java programmes.

· Python functions pretty well despite the fact that the complexity and implementation of both are different.

· Python is dynamically typed, whereas Java is statically typed.

· Compared to Java, Python is much more compact and makes writing test cases much easier.

23. How is Selenium Grid put to use?

In order for Selenium Grid to function, test cases are forwarded to the hub, where they are then forwarded to the Selenium WebDriver. The cases are then carried out in the browser via the WebDriver. Parallel testing is possible using the test suite.

24. What are the various Selenium navigation commands?

Following are the many navigation commands available in Selenium:

· navigate().refresh()

By reloading all of the website's components, this command assists the user in refreshing the current webpage.

· navigate().back()

This option functions as a back button. According on the user's history, it returns them to the most recently visited or prior webpage.

· navigate().to()

Depending on the URL specified in the command, this command opens a new window and directs the user to a new page.

· navigate().forward()

The Forward Button is activated by this instruction. Depending on the user's history, it redirects them to the following webpage.

Questions for Selenium Webdriver Interviews

25. What are Selenium WebDriver's restrictions?


· Selenium WebDriver requires prior programming experience.

· Doesn't support new browsers right away, and there isn't a method to track runtime messages.

· Image testing is not possible with Selenium WebDriver.

· Incompatible with testing Windows, Mac, or mobile applications

· Although there is an integrated reporting option, getting the reports requires integrating it with other tools.

· Since it is open source, there is no vendor support.

26. What difficulties does Selenium WebDriver encounter when handling an Ajax call?


· It is challenging to assess the hazards connected to specific Ajax apps.

· One method for processing Ajax calls is the pause command, however it is not entirely dependable. Long pauses just lengthen the testing process and make the test pace intolerably slow. It is advised that testing Ajax applications will benefit more from the "waitforcondition"

· Creating automation test scenarios for Ajax applications is challenging due to serialisation and encoding.

27. How does Selenium WebDriver handle colours?

You can use WebDriver's colour management API to handle

Get the colours by passing a string named "colour" as an argument to the getCssValue(arg0) function.

28. What kinds of exceptions does Selenium WebDriver throw?

In the Selenium WebDriver, there are various exception types that include:

· ElementNotVisibleException

When an element is present in the DOM (Document Object Model) but not displayed on the webpage, an exception is raised.

· Exception TimeOut

This exception applies when a specific operation cannot be finished within a predetermined or stipulated amount of time.

· Exception StaleElement

When an element is either deleted or is no longer present in the DOM, this exception occurs (Document Object Model). When the element they are working with is either restored or removed again, users frequently encounter this issue.

· Exception NoSuchElement

When one of the elements in the specified set of characteristics is missing from the webpage, an exception occurs.

29. What different wait types does Selenium WebDriver support?

Which are:

· Wait Implicit

Throughout the whole test script, these waits are utilised to create a default waiting period between each subsequent step. Only after the allotted amount of time has passed following the execution of the prior step will a specific test step be run.

· Clearly Wait

These waits are used to stop a test from running until the allotted amount of time has passed or a specific requirement has been satisfied.

30. How does Selenium WebDriver discover broken links?

The following method can be used to find broken links:

· Through the> anchor tag, you must collect all of the links that are present on a webpage. You must utilise the attribute 'href' value to get the hyperlink for each of the> tags.

· For each link, you would then need to submit HTTP queries and check the HTTP response code.

· You may determine whether a link is working or not by looking at the HTTP response code. Then, assuming the link is functioning, you can use the driver.get() method to travel to a URL, which should return a 200-OK response. If you encounter any other statuses, the link is broken.

• Valid Link 200

• 404 - Unknown Page

Bad Request: 400

• Unauthorized (401)

• Internal Error 500

Repeat the procedure for each of the obtained links.


It goes without saying that the list of potential Selenium Automated Testing interview questions above is in no way complete. You can come across a variety of different challenging Selenium interview questions as a prospective candidate trying to pass the interview. However, this article has attempted to give you a good understanding of the most crucial issues that, when it comes to this Automation Testing Tool, you should undoubtedly be well knowledgeable in.


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